Pictured above: W-BAD France Rep, Corinne Solliec, handing out pamphlets in Paris
Names of BZDs appear on the W-BAD pamphlets along with some information. For convenience, they can be printed on a single sheet of printer paper (front and back), however, please choose “fit to paper” while printing on standard printer paper (8.5″ x 11″), otherwise they may print at a 5″ x 7″ paper size. Not all languages are available yet.
W-BAD supports getting creative in your activism, however, please be mindful of how things are worded. If you plan to use the W-BAD logo, name or brand on your materials, please email worldbenzoawarenessday@gmail.com first before distributing them.
Good luck on your campaign trail, and please share all the work you have done with the #WORLDBENZODAY hashtag!
For more informational handouts, flyers and printable posters (English), please visit the handouts page.
If there is a language you know and would like to translate it to a pamphlet here, please contact us.
Note: Click “fit to paper” when printing. Files are in PDF format containing two pages.
- CHINESE (2 pages – front & back): 中文. 請將這份資料列印, 以方便您日後的參考. 正反兩面.
- CZECH (2 pages – front & back): Česky. Vytiskněte tyto informace pro vaše úsilí o povědomí o benzodiazepinech. Přední a zadní strana.
- DANISH (2 pages – front & back): Dansk. Udskriv disse oplysninger for din benzodiazepin bevidsthedsindsats. For og bag.
- DUTCH (2 pages – front & back): Nederlands. Druk deze informatie af en gebruik ze bij uw inspanningen om anderen bewust te maken van het benzodiazepine probleem. Voor- en achterzijde.
- ENGLISH (2 pages – front & back ): English. Print this information for your benzodiazepine awareness efforts. Front and back.
- FRENCH (2 pages – front & back): Français. Imprimez cette information pour vos efforts de sensibilisation aux benzodiazépines. Avant et arrière.
- GERMAN (2 pages – front & back): Deutsche. Drucken Sie den Flyer aus und engagieren Sie sich für die Aufklärungskampagne zu Benzodiazepinen.
- ITALIAN (2 pages – front & back): Stampa queste informazioni per i vostri sforzi di sensibilizzazione delle benzodiazepine.Fronte e retro.
- JAPANESE (2 pages – front & back): このチラシをダウンロードして注意喚起の活動のためにお使いください。(内容確認の協力者:薬のチェックは命のチェック
- POLISH (2 pages – front & back): Polskie. Wydrukuj te informacje dla swoich działań na rzecz świadomości benzodiazepin. Przód i tył.
- SERBIAN (2 pages – front & back): Српски. Одштампајте ове информације ради ваше боље свести о бензодијазепинима. Напред и назад.
- SPANISH (2 pages – front & back): Español.
- SWEDISH (2 pages – front & back): Svenska. Skriv ut denna information för ditt arbete med upplysning om bensodiazepiner. Fram- och baksida.
- VIETNAMESE (2 pages – front & back): Tiếng Việt. In thông tin này cho các nỗ lực nhận thức về benzodiazepine của bạn. Trước và sau.
If there are any errors on these pamphlets, or if you know another language and would like to submit a W-BAD pamphlet made in that language, please contact us.