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W-BAD is in trouble.
Recently subjected to extensive and crippling internal damages, it is currently being shouldered by a single individual often borderline homeless. See PDF on donation page for examples of ongoing sustainability challenges.

Please donate generously.


See relaunch details.

W-BAD Relaunch

What are the risks of taking benzodiazepines as prescribed?

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD) seeks to raise global awareness about the dangers of medically induced benzodiazepine dependency, adverse affects and debilitating withdrawal syndrome that can last years. People taking this medication exactly as prescribed are being harmed.


EncouragementPositively W-BAD
FunctionalityW-BAD Concept
PrinciplesW-BAD Values
DirectionW-BAD Aims


Contacting Media

How do I get local media...

Contacting Media

How do I get local media...


Increasing public exposure is vital to our...


Increasing public exposure is vital to our...

Press Packet

Sharing the press packet helps when...

Press Packet

Sharing the press packet helps when...

US Resolutions

Gaining resolutions creates official...

US Resolutions

Gaining resolutions creates official...

Gearing up

Wearing the iconic W-BAD T-shirt can help...

Gearing up

Wearing the iconic W-BAD T-shirt can help...

Holding Events

Organizing events saves lives. You can...

Holding Events

Organizing events saves lives. You can...


Using campaigning materials increases...


Using campaigning materials increases...


Sharing handouts helps educate and save...


Sharing handouts helps educate and save...


Registering adverse reactions helps...


Registering adverse reactions helps...


Garnering support is important for the...


Garnering support is important for the...


Increasing expert backing helps bring...


Increasing expert backing helps bring...


Reducing lives lost to prescribed...


Reducing lives lost to prescribed...


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Tribute to Michelle

The following is a tribute from W-BAD’s Founder to Michelle, who is recognized as an honorary W-BAD team member in memoriam for her invaluable and selfless contributions to the cause.
An Angel to Many
I sincerely hope this tribute helps people understand a little more about Michelle, who has been referred to by many as an angel, and with her edgier more adventurous…

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Michelle’s Story

This is Michelle’s story as she published it on her website: www.benzowarrior.com (July 27, 2020)
How I Got A Brain Injury from Prescribed Medications
(From Personal Stories at Benzo Warrior)
My name is Michelle and this first blog post is my personal story. I would be honored to tell your story too.
It is hard to know where to start…

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Reminder to Please Support Nomination for Prof. Ashton: UK Queen’s Honours List 2019

Hi All. As shown in this post from Dec 22, 2018, we need written letters to support the nomination to have Prof. Ashton’s work recognized in the UK / Queen’s Honours List for 2019.
To seriously help the nomination for Heather, we need as many written letters of support as possible…

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3 months ago

World Benzo Day
Wayne Douglas hits the streets in Japan handing out W-BAD pamphlets in 14 different languages to help raise public awareness for World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day 2024Thank you to all of the brave people who participated in this productionyoutu.be/83OEGBEHE0k#worldbenzoday2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

World Benzo Day
WHAT IS W-BAD?Participating on July 11thWorld Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD) is an ‘activism’ platform for the people to help raise awareness about the dangers of taking benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, etc.) as prescribed, with a view to contributing towards positive change in the late Prof. Ashton’s honour.ParticipationAs W-BAD is centred on raising public awareness, participation should ideally involve open, proactive and inclusive type initiatives, while endeavouring to steer away from more passive, individual type activities from within confined groups where exposure is limited.Participation should ideally involve planning, organising and getting involved in hands-on activities. People are also encouraged to share descriptions, photos and videos directly with W-BAD to form a collective movement. This leads to a general coming out, allowing us to stand together in solidarity, based on the philosophy of ‘change through unity’.One of the most ‘practical’ and easiest forms of active participation is handing out W-BAD flyers (available in multiple languages) or putting up posters around the local community. One of the most ‘effective’ ways of active participation is organising a local event. For those who may be too unwell, there are also many ideas for low impact options listed on the website.See participation page for ideasworldbenzoday.org/participateHonouring Prof. Heather Ashton.While W-BAD is held annually on July 11th, the late Prof. Heather Ashton’s birthday, the best way to honour her legacy is to go beyond simple messages of remembrance and participate in meaningful hands-on activism to raise awareness for change, garnering recognition of the problem, and keeping up the good fight. She would want that more than anything – for people to carry the baton and march forward, continuing the momentum of her valuable contributions.Change through UnityW-BAD’s slogan is “Change through Unity.” This concept is based on the realisation that we are far more effective when combining our efforts and standing together in solidarity.While ongoing efforts are being made to uphold these values, certain individuals appear intent on promoting interactions that are conducive to subverting, undermining, diverting and dividing with misinformation, provocation, snipping etc.Bearing in mind the importance of harmony over discord, it is imperative that we remain steadfast and resolute, without conceding to such attempts, focussing on our combined efforts for the greater cause.Limitations and ChallengesWithout backing, and slowly pegging away in an effort to regain some momentum, W-BAD is essentially an activism platform that people can use to have their voices heard and to raise wider public awareness. The general idea is to allow people to express themselves, be creative, show initiative, organise events, invite others to join in, make new friends, raise awareness and share activities with the wider community and general public.This culture of inclusion and encouragement can also be therapeutic for those involved, as well as it greatly contributes to the overall cause.The challenge for us now is to somehow work around current limitations and make the most of the W-BAD platform, so that it works for everyone. Getting ReadyOver the years, some people have asked, “What’s happening for W-BAD this year?” The answer to this is largely determined by what people decide to do and plan themselves locally and the amount of effort that people are willing to contribute. With July 11th fast approaching, now is a good time to start thinking about what you might like to plan and organise, considering the “who, where, how,” etc. For ideas on participation, see link below.worldbenzoday.org/participateT-shirtsPeople often ask about availability of T-shirts. If anyone would like to run a T-shirt campaign, please feel free to contact through the W-BAD website. Alternatively, people are welcome to use the W-BAD logos for printing their own.worldbenzoday.org/gearHashtagPlease use the following hashtag, while avoiding any variations, to help make sharing our activities easier. #WORLDBENZODAY2024Thank you and see you on July 11th !Together we can make a difference! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

World Benzo Day
Actress and photographer Emma Saunders talks to the Daily Mail about her prescribed benzodiazepine ordealwww.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13336857/sectioned-tranquiliser-anxiety-triggered-frightening-...Emma Saunders, an actress and photographer, went to her father's private GP in Chelsea with tinnitus in November 2020. The GP prescribed a tranquilliser, telling Emma it would help her sleep. ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

World Benzo Day
JAPAN POLITICIANS START TALKING BENZODIAZEPINES< Making Inroads >Following years of lobbying efforts and letters from patients, the serious issue of medically induced benzodiazepine drug dependence and adverse effects was taken up on Friday, March 29 at Japan’s House of Representatives Health, Labour and Welfare Committee by Komeito Party Representative Shinichi Isa.www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bzO_q4MkWwNB: While he referred to the risks of withdrawal symptoms in cases of abrupt cessation, please note that withdrawal reactions/symptoms can occur even with slow tapers and even while still taking the drugs, without any reduction, due to tolerance and lost drug effect.Realising the importance of maintaining regular, combined lobbying efforts, the above was proceeded by years of periodic W-BAD visitations to the Japan Health Ministry, talks with officials and petitionsworldbenzoday.org/japanlobbying from Medwatcher Japanwww.yakugai.gr.jp/en/doctors’ petition to the Japanese government www.benzo-case-japan.com/index-english.php#written-request-to-japanese-govt.lobbying from Dystonia and Dyskinesia Patient Support Associationwww.dys-kaizen.orgthe above association’s petition to the Ministry of Health requesting a revision of the of their Serious Adverse Reaction Response Manual regarding prescribed benzodiazepinesrb.gy/pjakrblobbying from Benzodiazepine Yakugai Associationwww.benzodiazepine-yakugai-association.comlobbying from Benzodiazepine Information Center Japanbenzoinfojapan.orga publication from the aboverb.gy/sim2n0efforts from other campaigners and letters from patients.As above, working together is paramount. With this in mind, now is a good time to be thinking about what we can all do this World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day on July 11thworldbenzoday.org/participate/ ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

World Benzo Day
As Prescribed has begun pitching to distribution outlets with Amazon Prime the first to license this all important film. Congratulations to Holly and the team at As Prescribed – make sure to catch the film!www.facebook.com/asprescribedfilm/posts/pfbid031nmBpE4NyaeBc2GKPXNp43nCq2eRGdefWttpDNkwxj7nefiFx7...It's happening! Just a brief message to let interested people know that pitching to distribution outlets started on Monday, and Amazon Prime licensed AS PRESCRIBED the same day. We'll announce availability once we've been informed of dates. The film has also been licensed by a couple of free platforms. My guess is that Amazon Prime availability will happen first. We'll let you know as info is provided to us. ... See MoreSee Less
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On July 11, those whose lives have been impacted by medically induced benzodiazepine damages, supporters and concerned citizens, are all invited to stand together in solidarity and spread awareness for effecting global change.