

Below are the W-BAD protocols. These are designed to help maintain our credibility and identity (what we are about), so that our campaigning efforts can be maximised in taking our message to the general public, medical institutions, media and authorities.

While W-BAD appreciates and encourages creativity, flexibility, freedoms and needs, as well as respecting individual views, we ask that people be mindful of the following when participating in and representing W-BAD, exercising good judgement and discretion accordingly.


W-BAD should not be used as a platform to promote:

  1. Religious beliefs
  2. Political views
  3. Business / enterprise / entrepreneurial endeavours
  4. Individual views on specific treatments / advocacy of / association with such treatments
  5. Any other practices that are non-W-BAD specific and may cause conflict of interest / controversy

Promotions, Products, Merchandise

W-BAD should not be affiliated with any non W-BAD promotions or product promotions for commercial purposes. Please refrain from producing goods such as T-shirts, merchandise or printable items without express permission from W-BAD. We must protect our identity and integrity to remain effective.

Services, Treatments, Medical Views

The W-BAD platform is not to be used for offering any type of service including:

  1. Promoting herbs, supplements or other treatments/cures.
  2. Offering the services of a support group (although we distribute materials for raising awareness, not to be substituted or misinterpreted for medical advice, W-BAD is not a support group and should never be treated as such).
  3. Acting as a healthcare provider or providing prescriptive medical advice.
  4. Publicly sharing / publishing scientific or medical views in the name of W-BAD without express permission and accompanied by a science or medical background, appropriate qualifications and professional backing.


To avoid any breaches of copyright, the W-BAD logos are not to be reproduced, except where permission has been granted in advance.


When representing W-BAD, it is important to understand our mission and goals and that these are associated with iatrogenic (medically induced) physical dependency and not the illicit use or abuse of benzodiazepines, which is a completely separate issue (see addiction versus physical dependence).


To avoid misrepresentation, please observe the appropriate use of language at all times.

Websites and Social Media

Under no circumstances should alternate websites, or social media platforms, including Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, be set up without express permission from W-BAD administration. Doing so may result in confusion and jeopardise our reputation. Permission can be granted in cases of non-English speaking countries, where a formal application accompanied with reasons has been accepted in accordance with the W-BAD ethos, the W-BAD guiding principles, protocols etc.


When representing W-BAD, it is important that we maintain the above protocols, ethos and guiding principles. This will enable us to produce the most effective platform to achieve our goals in a united quest to raise more awareness about the global problem of iatrogenic physical dependency and associated damages.

Thank you.