Image (above): Barry Haslam, W-BAD’s Chair, alongside his lovely wife, Sue, both donning their T-shirts with W-BAD logo in their lush garden. Barry is a long-time campaigner in the UK. His wife, Sue, supported him throughout his own horrific prescribed physical dependence, withdrawal, and neurotoxicity from benzodiazepines over the course of many years time.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the team members, volunteers, and state/country representatives of World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD) for their sterling efforts and hard work in 2018.
My thanks also go out to all the participants of W-BAD and their families worldwide for their immense contributions in spreading awareness and the push for government change and action to remedy this “medical disaster,” as described by Professor C. Heather Ashton.
The 11th of July is also the birthday of this great pioneering and wonderful lady, Crystal Heather Ashton, to whom the prescribed benzodiazepine community worldwide owes a great deal of gratitude, for the sheer personal dedication she has brought in bringing hope, recognition, saving of lives and the Ashton Withdrawal Protocol. Blessings to you, Heather, and with love, we are thinking of you.
Let’s go spread awareness and put the message out to world governments that we are determined that the truth will be told on this global medical disaster and we will have our say; we will have a collective loud voice.
I have already contacted all of the major UK TV companies and leading newspapers with details of W-BAD’s 11th of July anniversary (the 3rd annual W-BAD in 2018) and our objectives, asking them for publicity. I have worked with them all in the past on prescribed benzodiazepine drug issues and they are personal contacts. I have also contacted the Labour Party health spokesman in the House of Lords, Philip (Lord Hunt), and he has agreed to put down a question to Her Majesty Government in congratulating World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day.
Unity is our strength.
Thank You.
The very best to you all,
Cheers, Barry and Sue! I hope you are both doing well and have a wonderful July 11 this year and for many years to come. Thank you so much for everything y’all do for those of us who have been harmed by taking benzodiazepines as prescribed. I’m beginning to feel better, and I look forward to taking a more active part in spreading benzodiazepine awareness.
Thank you Alison. We keep on spreading awareness and unity. Looking forward to you joining us in the future as we bring government up to accepting their responsibility for this medical disaster. Kind regards. Barry and Sue.