From W-BAD Japan



茶話会@神戸 の開催と、711チラシの件 茶話会@神戸 日時 7月8日(日)午後1時~5時 場所 神戸市中央区内(申し込まれた方に直接お伝えします) 参加費 500円

申し込み port1083port1083(あっと)gmail.com (あっと)を@に変えてください。槙野まで。



連絡先 port1083port1083(あっと)gmail.com (あっと)を@に変えてください。槙野まで。


In Kobe, the meeting will be held, and the flyers for the flyers will be held!

The party of the tea party @神戸 and 711 flyers Tea party @神戸 Date: July 8th (Sunday) 1 PM-5 PM Location: Chuo Ward, Kobe City (I’ll tell you directly) Participation fee: 500 yen

Sign up port1083port1083(あっと)gmail.com to @に変えてください.

I need you to help me with 711 Flyers.

On July 11th, we will do ” Flyers distribution ” as one of the actions of ” World Ben dzô attention day ” in Kobe. I’m just posting to a hospital or a pharmacy. It is not to be distributed to many unspecified people on the street. I’m just going to put a flyer on a post in a hospital near the house or in front of the station. It’s not a group action, but it’s a personal way to do it. The day to distribute is not given to me on July 11th, any time. If you can help us, we’ll have the flyer ready for you.

Contact Port1083port1083(あっと)Gmail.Com (@に変えてください.) to @に変えてください.